Monday, January 24, 2011

Birthday Weekend

It's my birthday.  This weekend, we partied like it's my birthday (thank you 50 cent).  I also decided that I have no idea what I am going to do when I go back to the real world where 3-day weekends are not regular occurrences.  Furlough days are a gift from God himself.  All right, Friday night I actually spent doing nothing.  It was glorious.  I cleaned my room, did some laundry, watched Disc 2/Season 2 of Dexter (trying to catch up), and Sherlock Holmes.  The craziness began on Saturday.  I woke up and went to the beach.  Going to the beach on weekends has been a regular thing for me since I started training for the triathlon.  I go and swim in the ocean and then lay on the beach.  Yes, I live a tough life.  So I went to Ala Moana beach for a little while.  Then I went to Costco and came home.  When I came home, one of my roommates, "Alan," came in and said "we're going to dinner at Doraku."  He also informed me that my "no drinking" triathlon policy was being put on a birthday hold.

Aaaaanndd that's the last thing I remember.  Just kidding. I'll write a separate review of Doraku, but suffice it to say we had a lot of sushi.  We also drank two large bottles of Sake.  There were five of us that went (my two roommates, a guy who lives upstairs that we just met, and another guy my roommate Alan knew).  Overall, dinner was amazing and we had a really good time.  The craziest thing was Alan paid for the entire meal...for all of us.  I suppose dinner always tastes a lot better when someone else buys.

The night wasn't over, though.  From there, we went to Top of Waikiki, which is a revolving restaurant overlooking Waikiki.  They have happy hour from 5-7 and then again from 9-11. It was about 9:45 when we got there, so we all ordered the gayest Martinis ever.  Yep, five guys sitting together ordering pomegranate martinis with sugar on the rim.  James Bond would cry.  For anyone interested, though, all martinis are $4 during happy hour.
Top of Waikiki - Street View
Once we finished our martinis, we went to my new favorite spot in Waikiki - Rum Fire (separate review to follow).  Rum Fire is a restaurant at the bottom of the Sheraton Waikiki.  It's right on the water, tiki torches are lit all around, and they have $3 beer during late night happy hour.  However, this time, we started drinking Kettle One on the rocks.  This is the part of the night where things begin getting fuzzy.

Yep, it really looks like this
After one or two drinks at Rum Fire, the guys wanted to go to a club.  Now, for those that don't know me all that well, I hate clubs more than I hate museums, confused Asians who can't drive, and bananas.  As a general rule, if I make a conscious choice to hang out with you, I probably like you.  This means I find your conversation stimulating or you are an attractive woman who likely makes people jealous when I am with you.  If you have both of these qualities, you are probably high on my list of friends.  If we are hanging out, therefore, I want to be able to have a conversation with you or be engaged in some activity where I am entertained.  Clubs do not provide the opportunity for either.  Clubs are too loud to talk.  Clubs don't have places for me to sit.  I am a shitty dancer.  I think guys who go to clubs just look stupid trying to awkwardly hit on women without being able to talk.  So when the guys I was with suggested going to a club, I was less than enthusiastic.  However, being the good sport that I am, I let Alan convince me that we would have fun if he ordered "bottle service."

What's bottle service?  It's where we got a full bottle of Kettle One vodka, unlimited mixers, and a private corner booth in the club.  I don't remember the name of the club, but having bottle service definitely made the night more tolerable.  Of course, it might have had something to do with the fact that I didn't spend a dime the entire night.  So that was my Saturday.

UPDATE (1/25/11) - The name of the Club was Crazy Box, located at the Edition Hotel

Sunday a group of people from work went to my co-worker's pool side Cabana and watched football and grilled all day.  My co-worker "Joe" is the one I usually go surfing with.  His apartment is awesome.  One of the reasons is that on the 7th floor, there is a pool deck with 5 individual cabanas.  Each cabana has a cable hookup, grill, ice chest, and tables/chairs.  We brought down his flat screen TV, everybody brought food, and we just ate, watched football, and hung out by the pool.

The celebration didn't stop there, though.  My judge is a huge Green Bay Packers fan.  Yes, for all my Chicago readers, I'm sorry you had to read that.  However, his being a Packer fan has directly benefited me.  When they beat the Eagles, he gave us a half-day from work.  When they beat the Falcons, he took us to lunch.  When they beat the Bears, he brought in cheese danish, bagels, and ham & cheese croissants AND gave us a half-day.  We're predicting new cars if the Packers win the Super Bowl.  

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