Tuesday, September 28, 2010


One thing I love about Hawaii is that everyone loves a good deal.  Everywhere you go people want to save money.  It really is paradise!  I bring this up because certain bars are well known for their specials.  Red Lion, for example, has "Broke Ass Mondays" where they have $0.75 drafts.  You can drink all night and get completely ridiculous for under $10.  Some people might tell you it's a little bit trashy and the bartender there, a little asian girl, is a massive bitch.  But I cannot emphasize enough that they have $0.75 drafts.

The only problem with these great deals at bars, of course, is that I work during the week.  At 7am.  So going out and partying until 3am and getting ridiculous, while appealing at first, loses that appeal when I am sleeping on my keyboard the next day.  Nonetheless, when I got home from work last night, one of the guys I went to Waimea with this weekend called and didn't really give me the choice of going out.  Apparently, a bar called "Lulu's" (you can check it out here: http://www.luluswaikiki.com/) was having "industry night" and have it every Monday for anyone in Honolulu on Mondays.  Anyone who works "in the industry" gets 50% off their bar tab.  Now, neither this guy, nor I, work "in the industry" so I was skeptical.  However, he assured me he knew the waitress and we were gonna be fine.  Basically, all you have to do is tell the waitress you work at one of the local bars/restaurants and you're set.  They don't actually care. So within an hour about 10-12 people joined us and we were having a good time.

Now, allow me to digress for a moment...I find it hilarious when people here tell me they work "in the industry."  It's never a chef who says it.  It's never the owner or manager of a restaurant or bar.  No, it's the waiter who works 4-5 hour shifts 4-5 days a week who "works in the industry."  I still haven't figured out why it's bad to just say, "I'm a waiter at X."  You just sound like an idiot when you say you work "in the industry" (and yes, I will always put that in quotes).

First of all, the bar tab came to $184, but because we got the 50% discount and some other discount for knowing the waitress, we paid $87...for 12 people.  Lulu's as a bar is decent enough.  They had live music (sort of...it was really just a sweaty fat guy playing an instrument loudly), the service was good, and they have a dozen or so beers on tap.  I would highly recommend getting there early, though, in order to get a table with enough chairs.  It gets pretty crowded every night of the week around 10pm (so I'm told) and it got crowded last night.  Ultimately, it was a good night and I don't think I'll be sleeping on my keyboard.

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